Tuesday 9 July 2019

Causative Verb


1. The Teacher made Alex ____ the room.
    Answer : leave

2. Megan got Marvin ____ by a mechanic.
    Answer : to type

3. We got our house ____ last week.
    Answer : to paint

4. Dylan got his transcripts ____ to the university.
    Answer : to sent

5. Selena is getting her hair ____ tomorrow.
    Answer : to cut

Monday 8 July 2019

My Best Experience

Complete ‘Penulisan Ilmiah’ or ‘PI’ is my best experience in 2018. ‘Penulisan Ilmiah’ is a terms that must be fulfilled by every college student at Gunadarma University to be able to complete their studies. ‘Penulisan Ilmiah’ is an activity for all college students to compose their own writing in making a product.
I started working in middle March until July 2018. At first, I encountered many obstacles in compiling it, starting from the confusion of looking for themes, difficulties in complete the program, difficulty of meeting the supervisor. However, I can solve all the obstacles because my efforts and the help of people around me.
At the end of July 2018, I got permission to present the results of ‘Penulisan Ilmiah’ on August 8, 2018. The meeting was going well. I can explain and answer all the questions. Completing the process of ‘Penulisan Ilmiah’ is the best experience I ever done so far.

Created for the task of English Business 2 (Softskill)

Friday 28 June 2019

Profesi Dalam Bidang Sistem Informasi

Program studi Sistem Informasi (SI) merupakan program studi yang mempelajari tentang bagaimana mendesain sistem yang tepat berdasarkan tujuan organisasi atau perusahaan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan proses bisnis. Pada program studi ini terdapat banyak profesi yang dapat dilakukan, diantaranya yaitu:

1. Application Developer
Application developer menerjemahkan kebutuhan software ke dalam kode pemrograman tertentu. Peranannya meliputi menulis spesifikasi dan merancang, membangun, menguji, mengimplementasikan kebutuhan seusai yg diinginkan.
2. Network Enginer
Network engineer merupakan profesi yang bertanggungjawab dalam memasang dan mendukung komunikasi jaringan komputer dalam organisasi atau antar organisasi guna memastikan operasi jaringan komunikasi berkerja secara maksimum untuk digunakan user.
3. System Analyt
System analyst merupakan profesi yang bertugas untuk merancang solusi IT yang baru guna meningkatkan efisiensi bisnis dan produktifitas. Bertanggung jawab kepada client, kemudian memeriksa model bisnis dan aliran data, mendiskusikan penemuan mereka dengan client, dan merancang solusi IT yang tepat.
4. DBA
Database Administrator merupakan profesi yang bertanggung jawab untuk desain, pelaksanaan, pemeliharaan dan perbaikan database organisasi.  Peran profesi ini mencakup pengembangan dan desain database, pemantauan dan meningkatkan kinerja dan kapasitas database, serta melaksanakan langkah-langkah keamanan untuk menjaga database.
Sumber : 

Friday 17 May 2019

Adjective and Adverb - Task 1

Direction : Mark the correct form in parentheses, and then give your reason.

1.       Rita plays the violin (good/well)
Reason : There is a verb ‘plays’ so it use adverb ‘well’.

2.       That is an (intense/intensely) novel
Reason : Adjectives ‘intense’ is use to explain noun ‘novel’.

3.       Your cold sounds (terrible/terribly)
Reason : There is a noun ‘sounds’ so it use adjectives ‘terrible

4.       The table has a (smooth/smoothly) surface
Reason : Adjectives ‘smooth’ is use to explain noun ‘surface’.

5.       We don't like to drink (bitter/bitterly) tea
Reason : Adjectives ‘bitter’ is use to explain noun ‘tea’.

Paragraph Why I Deserve Get A For This Subject

The reason why I deserve an A score in Business English Class 2 is that I feel like I have done my best by doing all the assignments given every month. Starting from task 1-4 which contains the task of correcting and selecting the correct sentence, then continue with English Task 5-8 which contains about Affirmative and Negative Agreement, and in each question on task 1-8 I explain the reason why I chose it. I also did the writing assignment about my holidays in 2018 with my friends.

Monday 29 April 2019

English Task 5-8

Task 1 (Affirmative Agreement)
Direction: supply the correct form of the verb for the simple statement in each of the following sentences. Elaborate your reason.
1.           Rose likes to fly, and her brother does too.
Reason : Affirmative Agreement - verb without the auxiliary verb in the main clause. so “do, does, or did” is used in the second clause.

2.           They will leave at noon, and I will too.
Reason : Composite verb in the main clause.

3.           Their plane is arriving at nine o’clock, and so is mine.
Reason : Using “is” because to be in the main clause.

4.           I should go grocery shopping this afternoon, and so should my neighbour.
Reason : Composite verb in the main clause.

5.           Our English teacher loves to travel, and so do we.
          Reason : Affirmative Agreement..

Task 2 (Negative Agreement)
Direction: fill in the blanks with the correct form of either or neither. Elaborate your reason.
1.           The children shouldn’t take that medicine, and neither should she.
Reason : Using “neither” because “should” in the second clause.

2.            I don’t like plan to attend the concert, and neither do they.
Reason : Using “neither” because “do” in the second clause.

3.    The Yankess couldn’t play due to the bad weather, and neiher could the Angels.
Reason : Using “neither” because “could” in the second clause.

4.            Mary can’t type well, and her sister can’t either.
Reason : Using “either” because “can’t” in the second clause
5.           They won’t have to work on weekends, and we won’t either.
Reason : Using “either” because “won’t” in the second clause.

Task 3
Direction: identify the one underlined word or phrase that would not be acceptable in standard written English. Elaborate your reason.
1.           He isn’t driving to the convention in March, and neither they are.
Reason : Negative Agreement (Neither + positive auxiliary or “to be” + subject).

2.           Catherine is studying law at the university, and so does John.
Reason : Should use “is” because “to be” in the main and second clause.

3.          Because they have moved away, they hardly never go to the beach anymore.
Reason : Negative statement “never”.

4.           Mary and her sister studied biology last year, and so does Jean.
Reason : Should use “did” because V3 in the main clause.

5.           George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t neither.
Reason : Should be followed by either because negative.

Sunday 28 April 2019

My Holiday In 2018

In August 2018, my friends and I went on vacation to Malang. We went there for 8 days to a different tourist destination. We departed from Senen station to Malang Lama station taking the Majapahit economy train. The trip took almost 17 hours to get to Malang City.

After arrived in Malang City, the first destination we visited was Museum Angkut. Museum Angkut is a museum that shows history of cars from various countries. After we walked around Museum Angkut, we planned to proceed to the next tourism place but one of us cannot continue on to the next trip and neither am i. So we went back to the homestay.

The second day in Malang City, we were planning to visit Sempu Island, located in South Malang, the trip took 3 hours long from Malang City by car. Sempu Island is a conservation island which was very protected and therefore a reservation is needed in order to visit the island. On that day, there were some visitor and neither of us can't came in to the island because we had'nt make any reservation. In the end we decided to visit Tiga Warna Beach which can be visited without making a reservation in advance.

The next day we visited a zoo called Batu Secret Zoo located in Batu City. Batu Secret Zoo has various kinds of animals in it ranging from ovipares, mammals, and many more. On that day, we saw a giant snake and one of my friend wanted to take picture with the snake and either do I. That was our story while we were in Malang and we really enjoyed our trip.